Friday 3 May 2013


My personal evaluation after feedback from my client.
On the 2nd May i finished editing the final piece for Ye Olde English Sweet Shop and here is my evaluation for the overall production.

First of all i think that my production has served what it set out to do, i wanted to create a video that Displayed the large collection of sweets that Ye Olde English Sweet Shop have to offer and make an engaging video that the public can interact with.

After finishing editing i went to Ye Olde English Sweet Shop to hand over the final edit, me and the manager of the store had a conversation and they agreed to put it on to their Facebook page, she also gave me some feedback on my work.

She Said that "The video was exciting and engaging for the audience and was up to professional standards". She also said that "The video is a great representation of the store and all that the store can provide. It will make people want to visit the store more often now that they understand the range of sweets that we can provide"

This was her final statement: " Overall, i am pleased with the production that Adam has made for us and i the video is a great promotion for our shop."

As for my own personal opinion, i am generally pleased with the outcome of the production. I am pleased that my client is happy with the final piece and i am pleased that the production went smoothly with only a few hitches here and there. If i was to improve one thing, it would be the transition effects of each letter, so then it would be clearer and easier to read. One other thing i would have changed was the image of the entire shop at the end, i wish i had got a better final image and made the transition into that image a better looking one instead of just a zoom.

I have got some feedback from my college peers, and they suggest that i put ore effort into the clearness of the text, make sure i et my message across to the viewer in a simpler way. Although the kinetic typography is a great style and it makes the video more interesting it could have been done in a different way to make the text more 3 Dimensional.

Overall the feedback from my peers, my client and from personal opinion i think the production is a success and that i have succeeded in promoting Ye Olde English Sweet Shop.

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