Saturday 16 February 2013

A Child In A Sweet Shop!

My discovery of a hidden gem...

      I contacted several companies in Norwich including, Track Electronics, The Gym, Mobile Solutions & Richardson's Hardware store and all of them had turned me down. On the 15th February i finished college at 2pm and as usual walked into the city to catch my bus, due to the stress of finding a contact on short notice i wasn't feeling too great and decided to cheer myself up by going to my favorite shop in the city, Ye Olde English Sweet Shop on London Street in Norwich.

      When entering the shop it hit me that the shop could be the perfect company for me to promote, i spoke to the manager for a few minutes and we discussed what the project would involve and she has agreed to let me promote the shop and then she can upload the video to the company's Facebook page for the page's visitors too view.

      I am now really looking forward to the production of this project, it will really allow me to let out my creative side as it is like being "A child in a sweet shop" I have always had a sweet tooth and this will be the perfect opportunity to create a video for something that has always been an interest of mine, sweets!

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