Sunday 17 February 2013

Production log - Week 2

Production Log 11th - 17th February.
14th February - I have now heard back from the Fat Cat Brewery but the person i spoke to were unsure whether i would be able to promote the Brewery due to how secluded they are as a company and that they do not wish to expand any further. They also said that they would speak to the owner of the The Fat Cat and ask for his opinion but since then they have not got back to me.

Following this, i have started to think about a contingency plan and i produced a document that has a full back up plan if my first idea falls through, which seems likely at the moment. 

15th February - Changing My idea, this is the day that i must start thinking about changing my idea, i have no other choice.

16th February - Discovery of a hidden gem. Finding the sweets hop as a contact was brilliant and i don't think i could have found a better contact. 

To do 17th -23rd February - I have a busy week next week so i don't think i will be able to get much done in terms of paperwork but i can start thinking about idea for the Sweets shop, maybe visit the shop on many occasions (I Don't Mind) to start to learn a bit of a background of the shop. Throw some ideas about in my head for the shop and think about writing up a proposal for Ye Olde English Sweet Shoppe.

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