Thursday 7 February 2013

Initial Research Task

My understanding of the two project choices and the project.

Corporate & Promotional

Corporate is just another word for "Company" so making a corporate piece for a client would include making a training or introduction video for members of staff. These videos are used for larger companies that cover a wider area so then it is easier for the company to communicate with employees.

A promotional video is advertising a company and their services or products. This is not to be confused with an advertisement as they usually concentrate on a single product where as a promotional video can  advertise an organisation or company. 

Social Action & Community Media

Community Media is controlled by a community, whether it be a location community e.g a village or it can be a community of people who share the same interests e.g the footballing community. One example of when community media may be used is if FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association) Made a decision like a new rule in football and the footballing community were against the decision, they would raise awareness of their opinion with a video, promoting their voice as a community, some successful ones become viral videos that travel around social networking sites faster than anything.

Social Action Media is used when you are trying to bring something to the public's attention, this could be raising awareness of a current local or global issue or a charity organisation. This doesn't have to be done through visuals, it can be done through posters, leaflets and an awareness campaigns to raise awareness.

My Understanding of this unit

In this unit i understand that the objective is to spread a message to a specific audience though either a corporate & promotional piece or a social action & community media piece. That audience will be determined on what contact i decide to manage a production for. For example if i was to promote a local business i would look at who they would like to target towards, therefore attracting a wider range of customers. Then i would proceed to research into what would appeal to that specific audience.

I understand that to complete this unit efficiently i must concentrate on my production management and time management skills, to make sure that i stay on track. I must also have good communication skill so i can talk with my contact to get there opinion and input into the production and to get my thoughts across to them.

To help me to choose between the two i will research into them both more and look at the current market for each choice and i will start to look at available contacts.

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